Car Accident Statistics
Among all of the tragic events that causes the many deaths around the United States, car accidents is a key factor towards those numbers. In 2002, 43,000 people has died in a automobile accident. You think that is alot? The number of deaths caused by accidents has increased 1.5% the previous year. The main reason for car accidents that has been reported is caused by drunk drivers. About 26% of car drivers has been in a accident in the last five years. Out of the 43,000 deaths in 2002, 17,419 has been recored to deal with drunk driving. Thats almost half of the total numbers of death caused by automobile accidents in 2002. Motorcyclist over the age of 50, has been recorded to climb 26%. Things that cause automobile accidents are talking on the cell phone, eating, playing with the radio, and talking to other passengers. So please folks, drive carefully and be cautious!
I saw a crazy statistic in the news. 80 soldiers fresh out of war have returned home and have died in vehicle accidents in the past 7 months. This is becoming such a large problem that the military is starting to take action against it. These guys survived tough times and the report said felt invincible after returning to the safety of home. So unfortunately we have to now add returning veterans to the list of those likely to get in an accident.
Jason R., at 10:04 PM
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