
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Red Sox or Yankees

As the MLB season begins people know one thing, either the Red Sox or Yankees will be in the World Series for the American League East. It is not like football where teams are even, and injury plays a huge role on where a team will be in the playoffs. Over the last nine years, the Yankees or Red Sox where in the World Series seven times ( This shows us that it is a good chance that one of these teams will be in the World Series this year also. Looking at the teams on paper this year, they are pretty even. The exception is that the Yankees starting pitchers are better, but the Red Sox have the stronger bullpen. With regards to hitting the Red Sox grew stronger by acquiring Edgar Renteria, while the Yankees stayed the same in hitting strength ( So what does this mean? Another MLB season with the same outcome. Either the Yankees or the Red Sox will win the American League, and whoever wins that will win the World Series. Even though the curse of the bambino is over, the rivalry still exists between the two.


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