mmm... poker!
Online poker. I personally think the whole idea is ridiculous. Americans are becoming irreversibly anti-social, and playing a social game online seems to defeat the purpose. No matter what I think, 2 million Americans last month alone disagree with my distaste for the activity. Why is poker in cyber space becoming so popular? According to an article from msn money ( televised poker tournaments is fueling the online passion. The article reports that “an estimated 1.88 million people played online in February 2005 -- a 264% increase from a year earlier”.
The Internet also allows a type of convenience poker players never had before. Now instead of getting in a car and driving to your friend’s house/ casino, you can just roll off your bed to the computer! Fabulous!
It’s not just the United States getting swept up in this online poker insanity, but those Brits too! “The UK poker industry has grown from an initial $100,000 per day in January 2002 to between $2 million and $2.5 million. According to statistics, online poker industry has more than tripled in the past year unlike other online gaming activities showing weak growth”.
Place your bets!
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