"Stick a fork in it, the Earth's done!"
The global warming issue is causing heated debates among nations. While 30 prominent nations strongly agree upon the manner of dealing with the issue, the U.S. still holds out. Britain is one of the greatest speaking out to appeal to the U.S. during these meetings. Britain's environmental minister, Margaret Beckett says "...no hope of persuading Bush to sign up to Kyoto." Kyoto is the U.N.s protocal on greenhouse emissions. "Washington's aim is to cut the amount of greenhouse gas emissions for every dollar of economic output by 18 percent in 2012 compared to 2002." says Beckett. Then remarking"The economy is likely to grow at a faster pace, meaning overall emissions will rise." There are two more days left to go at the Global Warming conference.
All I got to say is it's getting HOT IN HERE! There's too much sweat in my eyes, I got to go!
The post provides this quote:
"Washington's aim is to cut the amount of greenhouse gas emissions for every dollar of economic output by 18 percent in 2012 compared to 2002." says Beckett. Then remarking"The economy is likely to grow at a faster pace, meaning overall emissions will rise."
Does this have to be true? What assumption is Beckett making regarding the relationship between economic growth and the amount of greenhouse gases a country emits? (Is the US cleaner or dirtier than China (for example), on a per dollar of economic output basis?
John Topoleski, at 12:14 PM
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