Cell phones equal crippled fingers
The vast majority of Americans these days have cell phones and use them frequently. I mean why not? They are very convenient technology, especially now with text messaging. It's just like chatting online. But, recent studies in Italy have shown that because of the spacing of the numbers/digits on any cell phone, and the amount of time the average person spends on text messaging per day, it causes health problems. With all this furious, finger bending typing going on, acute tendonitis will become ones best friend. Doctors warnings go out especially to the young, who use this feature most frequently. For one young girl, it just took about 100 short messages for her to need treatment. Other concerns/friends involved in this are irritability and mood swings. This is said to be because to many, especially the youth, a cell phone has become an essential part of their daily lives. 37 percent of them have become "cell phone addicts," says childrens group Telefono Azzurro.http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/01/24/italy.text.reut/index.html
As a result of cell phones useage our ability to use our thumbs is changing. Think about it: before cell phones (if you remember those dark days; well, I do) we didn't use our thumb for much, but now kids have been developing unusual thumbing powers. If you can find a game or test of thumb ability (and I don't know that there is one) then you could certainly beat someone from an older generation.
All Thumbs: From National Geographic magazine.
John Topoleski, at 9:45 AM
I too can relate to this fairly new phenomenon about ‘text messaging’. It is an easy way to locate your friends before class is over to grab some lunch or even if you do not feel like talking on the phone, but need to, you can send a quick message. However, in response to people acquiring “acute tendonitis”, we are simply seeing the same trend as when computers became widely used: carpal tunnel syndrome. Though not in the news too much lately, it is still a problem with many people who sit in an office all day and type. It’s a little frightening that all this technology can cause us nerve damage?!? However, it is the wave of the future and with new technological advancements there will be new medical advancements. However, it is interesting to think that something as basic to our lives now as typing can cause such devastating health problems. I guess just be careful with your excessive usage of ‘texting’ and typing, but frankly, I do not feel this is a problem of too much concern.
If you happen to be concerned about CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) go to this National Institute of Health website:
bruckone, at 9:43 AM
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