
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Mardi Gras

I found some interesting info about New Orleans from New Orleans Online. Did you know that the population N.O. is 484,674. This may not seem that significant until you compare it to the number of visitors that will be here for Mardi Gras: 6,135,890! That's over a 1,200% increase. These stats gave me a new understanding for Loyola's strict rules for visitation during this holiday.
Some more interesting N.O. info is from New Orleans Crime Statistics. As everyone probably knows, we have more than the average share of crime here in the Mardi Gras capital. However, according to that site we score below the national average for "forcible rapes" 162 in 2002...If that's of any consolation. But it seems that this great city makes up for it with 258 murders in 2002. I still think this is a great city...Just don't make any enemies.


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