Divorce is Becoming More Popular
There are too many couples getting married for the wrong reasons. Whatever this reason may be, the most popular conclusion is a divorce. I want to make aware the numerous people who go through a divorce at least once in their lifetime. In the year 2002, there were over 1 million people who went through a divorce. This is an incredible and unbelievable number. This is about 10% of the United States population, which is a 2% increase from 1990. The reasons for divorce vary for each couple. For example, some people rush into marriage to early. Other couples just grow apart and don't attempt to work through their relationship. Whatever the reason, the result is most likely divorce. This number surprisingly increases each year. We should be attempting to lower the divorce rate. Now a days, it is normal to have been through a divorce. This is very different from the way divorce used to be seen; it was rare and looked down upon. Divorce is a messy situation for the whole family. It is difficult enough to split the belongings up, but it is awful for the children. Hopefully, there will soon be some way to prevent such an enormous number from continuing to rise.
No doubt the divorce rate is much higher than it was 40 years ago, but that may not be a bad thing. Years ago, a woman in a bad or abusive marriage or relationship had few options; it was difficult for woman to enter the workforce or get an education and if you weren't married by your early 20s this was looked down upon.
Yes, perhaps people should take the marriage decision more seriously than they do, but there are lots of areas of life where we don't consider the consequences of our actions.
John Topoleski, at 11:30 AM
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