Rape Statistics in the U.S.
In the United States, 1.3 adult women are forcibly raped each minute. That translates to 78 women per hour or 1,871 women raped per day. In 1995, 354,670 women were the victims of a rape or sexual assault. Eighty-four percent of rape survivors surveyed were less than 25 years old at the time of their assault. Rape statistic is categorized in five behaviors that consist of General Rape Statistics, Rape Situation Statistics, Youth Rape Statistics, College Rape Statistics, and Date Rape Statistics.
Every two minutes a woman is raped in the United States. Surprisingly, 72,000 women are rape victims every year. Twenty-eight percent of that can be based on the so-called “boyfriend.” Rapes can happen anywhere. Twenty-five percent of rapes take place in parking areas or public places. The age group in which victims are usually raped tend to range from 25 years-old and younger. One fourth of these rapes shown are 25% college students. This wrongful crime should be stopped one way or another. http://womensissues.about.com/od/rapecrisis/a/rapestats.htm
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