
Monday, February 21, 2005

The Perks of Prenatal Exercise

Many women do not realize the importance of exercising during pregnancy. The benefits are numerous for both the child and mother. Studies have shown that pregnant women who engage in physical activity, including swimming, prenatal yoga, walking, and numerous other strength exercises, have an increased likelihood of delivering on their due date. Also, exercise causes the blood flow to the uterus to increase, which aids in child development. Exercise even helps to strengthen pelvic muscles, leading to an easier delivery.

Pregnant women who exercise also can better cope with the emotional changes that accompany pregnancy. They are able to relax and overcome the stress that they are experiencing with more ease than women who do not engage in physical activity. After childbirth, benefits still exist. Women who exercised throughout the duration of their pregnancy have an easier time getting back into shape and regaining their pre-baby bodies. Clearly, exercise and the increased health of both child and mother have a positive relationship.


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