Drug and Alcohol Usage on College Campuses
As college students, we find ourselves being introduced to more and more situations where alcohol usage and/or drug usage becomes more readily available. I mean, take for instance a college campus that serves beer to students at social events such as parties in the quad. When it comes down to it, students have no way of getting around alcohol or drug usage. Who's to say, that is, that us students aren't taking advantage of these loose laws in New Orleans. For instance, a survey was taken in 4 college campuses around the United States finding that within a year of taking the survey, 85.3% of students say they had drank and 46.5% of students had consumed marijuana (this information can be found at http://www.siu.edu/departments/coreinst/public_html/recent.html). One can see how these enormous statistics must have a large affect on the student population. For instance, 40.5% of those surveyed said they later regreted something they did while under the influence. Of those who had encountered a physical encounter while under the influence, 76% had been the recipient of forced sexual touching and 82.6% experienced unwanted sexual intercourse. Not to say that alcohol is always involved with a negative connotation, but I do believe, however, students our age need to be aware of the events that take place when people get out of control while under the influence.
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