Working ourselves to death?
Have you every heard anyone who said on his or her deathbed, “I wish I’d spent more time at the office?”
Did you know that 72% of American workers are struggling with job stress? Did you know that 34% are so burned out, they fear they'll have to quit their jobs in the next year or two? 50% of Americans don't get enough sleep. Full-time workers were working 160 hours more in 1990 than they were in 1969. Dual income couples spend an average of 12 minutes per day talking with each other. Parents spend 40% less time than a generation ago with their children.
And the high-tech revolution, far from merely saving us time and energy, is adding to our stress. People can never really get away from it all: pcs, faxes, cell phones.
These days folks never leave the office.
For more info:
Lets put life back into living. Do your job, don't over-extend yourself and go home to enjoy your life. That is, after all, why we are here. To live.
Shrie 'n Brett Spangler, at 2:19 PM
where do these numbers come from??? where are your sources, that article on cnn does not mention any of those statistics
Izz, at 10:21 AM
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