
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Don't be scared of those sharks

Does the music from the movie Jaws send chills down your spine? Do you really know your chances of getting attacked by a shark?

Here are the facts. About 80% of sharks species have never even attacked a human. Of the ones that did, it only adds up to about 70-100 attacks each year.

You are 1,100 times more likely to die in a bicycle accident than in a shark attack. Sharks do not look for human flesh. Most shark attacks are provoked attacks, meaning you initiated contact with the sharks or they have mistaken you for a primary prey.

Here is an average per year death chart. Notice where sharks come in:
Deer - 130 Deaths
Dogs - 18 Deaths
Snakes - 15 Deaths
Mountain Lions - 0.6 Deaths
Sharks - 0.4 Deaths

Your odds of a Drowning Death - 1 in 3 million
Your odds of a Shark Attack Death - 1 in 265 million

For more info:


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