Owner of a Laptop?
Some scary stats for laptop owners: 591,000 laptops were stolen in the U.S. in 2001, according to Safeware, Inc., an insurance company. An estimated 95% of stolen laptops are never recovered. Almost everybody today with a laptop takes precautions to protect it from viruses, spy ware, and thieves, but what would you do if your laptop is physically stolen? Well, new software on the market allows users and owners of laptops to download the software, and in the event someone steals your software, greatly increases the odds your laptop will be recovered. When the person tries to access the internet, the software “calls” a server and records the information of where the user is logged on from, there isp number, time and date, and this information is passed on to the authorities. ComputracePlus http://www.computrace.com/ and zTrace - http://www.ztrace.com/ are two of the leading corporations selling this technology. According to Computrace, the program can "survive a re-format, F disk command and hard drive re-partitioning". ZTrace contacts it's monitoring point, zServer, when a new internet connection is made. It operates in stealth mode with no trace of it's existenmce on the hard drive. It can track dial-up calls and can utilize caller ID. www.stolenlaptop.com
That would be awesome to have that software! I can believe that 95% of laptops are stolen because mine got stolen and it was HORRIBLE!!! I am definately going to check out that website and make sure it doesn't happen to me again!
bruckone, at 9:08 AM
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