
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Bush Administration Lies Again

In a USA Today article Dan Bartlett, George Bush's counselor says that, "there's no magic wand that can reduce the price of gas overnight" and "this is an issue that requires national debate as well as substantive change of policy and habits over time."

Well, Dan I hate to tell you this, but you could get the GOP controlled House and Senate to immediately repeal the federal exise tax on gasoline, which is currently set at 18.4 cents per gallon
(see this link also for a primer on gasoline prices.)

In fact, in the June of 2000 Republicans like Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and other Republicans introduced the Federal Fuels Tax Holiday Act of 2000 which "in the event the national average price of unleaded regular gasoline rises to $2 per gallon or more, S. 2285 would further suspend all federal excise taxes on fuels .

Now that the Republicans could actually make this happen, there isn't a single peep out of their camp. Probably because if this were to pass all of their donors who get fat from building roads and bridges would be shut off the Washington pork train for a while.


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