Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities
I ran across a number of articles and research on this subject and so far the most recent statistics come from 2003 as this information I found was published in 2004. Child abuse and neglect is very serious and very abundant. It is also, as the website points out, very hard to keep track of. According to the website, The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) reported an estimated 1,400 child fatalities in 2002. This translates to a rate of 1.98 children per 100,000 children in the general population. NCANDS defines "child fatality" as the death of a child caused by an injury resulting from abuse or neglect, or where abuse or neglect were contributing factors. It seems to have slightly increased each year from 1.84 per 100,000 children in 2000 to 1.96 in 2001 and 1.98 in 2002 but some experts question whether this is truly an increase or simply a result of more efficient data collection. Statistically, as of 2002, children 4 and under are 76% more likely to be victims of child fatalities. The site states that in 2002, more than one-third (38 percent) of child maltreatment fatalities were associated with neglect alone. Physical abuse alone was cited in more than one-quarter (30 percent) of reported fatalities. Another 29 percent of fatalities were the result of multiple maltreatment types. 79% had one or more parents involved , 16% were nonparent caretakers and 5% were unknown or missing. These perpetrators are said to be mid 20's, high school diploma recipients, and typically live below poverty level.
I sincerely hope there are major improvements in child care services. I know that there are so many children in New Orleans living in horrible homes that are abused and neglected. This brings to mind the little eight-year-old boy, not too long ago, whose father punched him and then kicked him out of his car, leaving him to wander the city for days. According to my mother, a mental health specialist who works with troubled children, she has reported many things to child care services and has taken time to document everything fully but, in the end, these children remain in their homes without even a visit from them. I apologize for such a somber topic but I felt it is important to know and be aware of.
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